Charter Township of Garfield Township Board of Trustees - 7/11/2023

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Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 6:00 PM

Call meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call of Board Members

a. Minutes - June 13, 2023 Regular Meeting (Recommend Approval)
b. Bills -

(i)General Fund$ 142,373.86


Developer's Escrow Fund - Storm Water Reviews,

Utility Plan Review, Oversight & Closeout$ 30,923.25

General Utilities21,448.50


(Recommend Approval)

c. Consideration of Contractor's Change Order No. 2 to Elmer's for Cedar Run Watermain Extension (Recommend Approval)
d. Consideration of Contractor's Application for Payment No. 3 to Elmer's for Cedar Run Water Main Extension (Recommend Approval)
e. Introduction of Ordinance 15 Amendment and schedule Public Hearing for August 8, 2023 (Recommend Approval)
5. Items removed from the Consent Calendar
6. Correspondence
a. Letter dated June 29, 2023 from Haggard's Plumbing & Heating regarding Oleson PUD
7. Reports
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business