Charter Township of Garfield Township Board of Trustees - 11/14/2023

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Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 6:00 PM

Call meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call of Board Members

a. Minutes - October 24, 2023 Regular meeting

(Recommend Approval)

b. Bills -

(i)General Fund$86,681.89

(Recommend Approval)

(ii) Gourdie-Fraser

Developer's Escrow Fund - Storm Water Reviews, Utility Plan Review,

Oversight & Closeout$18,771.50

General Utilities330.00

Park Funds / DNR Trust Fund6,455.00


(Recommend Approval)

c. MTT Update (Receive and File)
d. Request to add delinquent special assessments to the winter tax roll (Recommend Approval)
e. Consideration of financial institutions which the Township Treasurer will do business with in 2024, Resolution 2023-31-T (Recommend Approval)
f. 2023 Infrastructure Evaluation and Capital Improvement Plan for Grand Traverse Commons (Receive and File)
5. Items removed from the Consent Calendar
6. Correspondence
7. Reports
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business